
Tous à l’ouest : Une aventure de Lucky Luke

Tous à l’ouest : Une aventure de Lucky Luke ( 2006 )

The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add

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19 Apr 2019, 05:41

Cavalcade ( 2005 )

An accomplished playboy Leo neglects his girlfriend and enjoys parties. His girlfriend parts from him and then, when he wants to see her once more, he has an accident. He survives, but his whole life is now to be changed. This film is about fetching through the problems of having reduced abilities. Fortunately, he's not alone and his friends are staunch. In the end, h...

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19 Apr 2019, 05:13