The Art of Murder

The Art of Murder ( 1999 )

Elizabeth Sheridan is a painter, living in a beautiful home on the coast near Seattle, where her wealthy husband Cole runs a yacht-building company. Elizabeth and the firm's top designer, Tony Blanchard, are having an affair. A particularly nasty blackmailer confronts her with pictures, threatening to give them to Cole; she and Tony agree to pay, but after two deaths and a torched house, things have gotten complicated: infidelity pales next to a murder charge. A high-school yearbook photo

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05 Jan 2023, 12:46
The Pale Blue Eye

The Pale Blue Eye ( 2022 )

West Point, New York, 1830. When a cadet at the burgeoning military academy is found hanged with his heart cut out, the top brass summons former New York City constable Augustus Landor to investigate. While attempting to solve this grisly mystery, the reluctant detective engages the help of one of the cadets: a strange but brilliant young fellow by the name of Edgar Allan Poe

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04 Jan 2023, 12:32