
Frieda - Coming Home

Frieda - Coming Home ( 2020 )

A young American couple, Mark and Olivia, are expecting their first child. Before that, they want to make their dream of a trip to Europe come true. They book private accommodations through an Internet portal and embark on their 4-weeks-journey. On their arrival in Germany Elisabeth picks them up at the airport. She is the daughter of the landlady of Mark and Olivias first accommodation, a tiny house, located at a beautiful lake, in the hometown of Olivia's great-grandparents. They learn

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12 Apr 2023, 04:23
Alien Messiah

Alien Messiah ( 2019 )

Did Aliens influence the Bible? Bold theories are emerging about human prehistory and origins that could turn history as we know it upside down. New research exposes shocking new evidence that the human race was not only engineered by Aliens. but that Jesus was their descendant and the star of Bethlehem was actually a UFO from another world.

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12 Apr 2023, 03:15
Locus of Control

Locus of Control ( 2018 )

Stuck repeating the same pattern of mistakes again and again, Andrew Egan reluctantly accepts a teaching job to support his floundering, stand-up comedy career. As an increasingly anxious Andrew grows accustomed to the droll institution and its occupants he suspects that one of the students may be his downfall and that the previous teacher may not have left of his own accord. His life slowly unraveling, Andrew's lessons fall on deaf ears and he soon becomes part of a larger cosmic joke.

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12 Apr 2023, 02:58
The Lies She Loved

The Lies She Loved ( 2017 )

Yukari has lived with her caring, medical researcher boyfriend Kippei for five years. One day, she is waiting for Kippei to come home when a police officer suddenly pays her a visit and informs her Kippei has collapsed from a brain hemorrhage. Furthermore, his occupation and his name are falsified.

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12 Apr 2023, 02:05