
New Movies

Shadow & moi

Shadow & moi ( 2011 )

During a riding vacation on the island Ameland, a young girl discovers a dangerous horse who distrust people. To prove that the horse isn't dangerous at all, the girl secretly trains the horse to trust humans again.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:40
L'Emprise du mal

L'Emprise du mal ( 2012 )

In an attempt to recover his marriage, Raul will go with Ana and her son Nico to celebrate Christmas in a cabin away from it all. During the celebration of Christmas his life will change forever. During his strange experiences Raul begins traveling through his memories and faces the reality of his actions.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:40

L'Employeur ( 2013 )

Five highly qualified applicants interview for a coveted job with the Carcharias Corporation, a powerful conglomerate whose business practices are shrouded in mystery. On the night before the last round of interviews, they are all kidnapped and drugged. The next day, they wake up trapped together in a locked room without any hope of escape. Soon the true nature of their situation is revealed when they receive a phone call from the mysterious CEO of Carcharias, known only as The Employer. He

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19 Apr 2019, 07:40
Dark Circles

Dark Circles ( 2012 )

When new parents Alex and Penny retreat from the city and move into a place outside town, the stress and massive sleep-deprivation caused by their infant has both of them seeing things in the house that may or may not exist. Persistent sightings of a strange woman has each of them wondering if they are suffering from hallucinations, or if their new home holds a dark, supernatural presence. As their fragile grasp on reality spirals into delirium, Alex and Penny find themselves nearly helpless to

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19 Apr 2019, 07:40