
New Movies

Y'en aura pas de facile

Y'en aura pas de facile ( 2010 )

Lorsque vous rencontrez Réjean, (Rémy Girard) il est impossible de séparer le monde réel de son imaginaire. Biographe de métier, son rôle est d’embellir la vie de ses clients. Très bientôt, Réjean sera confronté au même problème sur le site de rencontre Réseau Contact. Il doit faire parvenir une vidéo qui parle de lui, de sa vie. Bref, d’être vendeur. Hésitant, il commence à raconter sa vie à la caméra. Tant bien que mal, il essaye désespérément de reconstruire sa vie tel qu’il s’en souvient.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:23
Tous les soleils

Tous les soleils ( 2011 )

Alessandro teaches musicology at the university of Strasbourg. He is also a volunteer reader in hospitals. He shares his apartment with his daughter, 15-year-old Irina, and his anarchist brother Luigi. Life is not always rosy at Alessandro's for three main reasons : he is a widower and has never really recovered from the death of his young wife ; his brother is some kind of parasite who refuses to sell his paintings to capitalist speculators and so to contribute to the cost of the

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19 Apr 2019, 07:23
Gimme Danger

Gimme Danger ( 2016 )

No other band in rock'n'roll history has rivaled The Stooges' combination of heavy primal throb, spiked psychedelia, blues-a-billy grind, complete with succinct angst-ridden lyrics, and a snarling, preening leopard of a frontman who somehow embodies Nijinsky, Bruce Lee, Harpo Marx, and Arthur Rimbaud all rolled into one. There is no precedent for The Stooges, while those inspired by them are now legion. The film will present the context of their emergence musically, culturally,

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19 Apr 2019, 07:23
La Belle et l'idiot

La Belle et l'idiot ( 2011 )

When they say “love is blind” they must have been talking about Amy and Ben. Amy is a beautiful young woman with a mysterious past. Ben is a scruffy slacker, whose only ambition seems to be avoiding growing up. However, Amy sees something in Ben that Ben doesn't see in himself, which gives Ben the confidence to make something of his life. The power of love shows Ben that being a grown-up isn't such a bad thing after all.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:23
La BM du Seigneur

La BM du Seigneur ( 2010 )

Among the Yéniches, a community of Gypsies, respect the of elders and religious fervor indifferently rub shoulders with vandalism. Fred Dorkel is a member of the community: feared and admired by his own, he lives by stealing cars. One night, his life is turned on its head when an angel appears before him. For Fred, it's the sign of a second chance and he must grab hold of it. He decides to settle down. But this choice sets him against his family.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:23