
Attack of the Super Monsters

Attack of the Super Monsters ( 1982 )

In the near future it's discovered that the dinosaurs did not die off, but instead live on near the center of the Earth. The evil lord Tyrannus uses the mutated dinosaurs descendents to attack Earth in his effort to rule the world. Can Gemini Force, a group of four superpowered teens who've pledged to protect the Earth, stop his plans? Written by Mike Konczewski 70 millions years ago, the creatures known as dinosaurs mysteriously disappeared from planet Earth. Until now, it was

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06 Sep 2023, 11:33
Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman: The Birth of Gautaman

Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman: The Birth of Gautaman ( 1993 )

Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl

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06 Sep 2023, 09:56
Attack of the Killer Chickens: The Movie

Attack of the Killer Chickens: The Movie ( 2022 )

It's the dawn of a new age...a chicken age. Humans have been the dominant species for far too long. The chickens have come to roost and they're not clucking around. An invasion of catastrophic proportions has taken place and the weak humans of earth do everything they can to survive in this crazy chicken world. With Genoveva Rossi, Brendan Fletcher, David Naughton, Ll...

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09 Jun 2023, 11:43