
One Eyed Girl

One Eyed Girl ( 2014 )

After the death of his girlfriend, Travis, a thirty-something psychiatrist, struggles to keep it together. On the brink of a nervous breakdown he stumbles across a strange church run by a charismatic leader, Pastor Jay. In search of answers Travis is led deeper and deeper into the underworld of religious fanaticism, home to a Doomsday cult and a teenage girl named Grace.

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11 Apr 2023, 09:35
Rich Boy, Rich Girl

Rich Boy, Rich Girl ( 2018 )

Andy is a front desk clerk with a little ambition until he finds his muse. Hayley is a beautiful shampoo girl chasing big dreams in NYC. When their worlds collide in a hapless run-in, the starstruck lovers assume false identities and follow the script of life from the same self-improvement book which lead to potentially bigger problems than they could have ever dreamed.

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10 Apr 2023, 06:49