

Henri ( 2017 )

Henri was raised in a monastery in the Far East and now he lives in America in the deep south where his story begins. As peaceful as he was trained to be, trouble always seems to finds him. Henri's story is filled with love, action, suspense and adventure.

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05 Aug 2021, 05:49

HENRi ( 2013 )

Powerful short film, which explores human existence at the most fundamental, personal level - what it means to be a conscious individual. Set hundreds of years in the future, a derelict spacecraft, controlled and powered by a human brain, floats aimlessly in the outer reaches of space. Trapped in the cold, mechanical prison of the vessel, the brain, which has no recollection or concept of self, miraculously begins to experience disjointed images of its former life - images it cannot understand.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:55
Henri 4

Henri 4 ( 2010 )

A wide-ranging, energetic period piece tracing the rise of the Protestant Henry of Navarre as he goes from battlefield warrior to France's beloved King Henri IV. Director Jo Baier's epic is a classically entertaining adventure, albeit one with more than a little bloodshed and frequent bawdy sexual interludes. In late 16th-century France, Catholics and Protestant Huguenots were at war. Seemingly seeking peace, the French dowager queen, Catherine de Medici summons Henry to her court to

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19 Apr 2019, 06:34