
The Art of Murder

The Art of Murder ( 1999 )

Elizabeth Sheridan is a painter, living in a beautiful home on the coast near Seattle, where her wealthy husband Cole runs a yacht-building company. Elizabeth and the firm's top designer, Tony Blanchard, are having an affair. A particularly nasty blackmailer confronts her with pictures, threatening to give them to Cole; she and Tony agree to pay, but after two deaths and a torched house, things have gotten complicated: infidelity pales next to a murder charge. A high-school yearbook photo

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05 Jan 2023, 12:46
The Aggression Scale

The Aggression Scale ( 2012 )

When out-on-bail mob boss Bellavance discovers that $500,000 of his money is missing, he sends four hardcore hit men to send a "loud and messy" message to the suspected thieves' families. But when the killers invade the Rutledge home, they'll meet the household's emotionally disturbed young son Owen. Owen has a history of violent behavior, knows how to make lethal booby-traps and is about to teach these thugs some deadly lessons in extreme vengeance.

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05 Dec 2022, 04:46