
Au fil des saisons

Au fil des saisons ( 2024 )

Charlie returns from boarding school to take care of her sick mother Laura, owner of a small organic egg farm in the New Jersey countryside. It's a struggle to look after her mom, run the farm on her own and keep up with her studies. Their day-today life on the farm, already strained by years of unspoken resentment, is turned upside down when Laura’s mother Solange shows up unannounced! Solange is an eccentric French feminist who left America many years ago. She's never had much of a

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19 Jun 2024, 10:56
Ma saison préférée

Ma saison préférée ( 1993 )

Elderly woman Berthe leaves her house to live with her daughter Emilie. Emilie and her brother Antoine had a falling out three years ago and have not seen each other since, but Emilie invites him for Christmas. Memories will resurface and impact both Berthe's destiny and the strange relationship between Emilie and Antoine.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:32

Indochine ( 1992 )

Set in colonial French Indochina during the 1930s to 1950s, this is the story of Éliane Devries, a French plantation owner, and of her adopted Vietnamese daughter, Camille, set against the backdrop of the rising Vietnamese nationalist movement.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:28
Le choc

Le choc ( 1982 )

Martin Terrier wants to quit his job as a hired hitman, but his organized crime employers are unwilling to see him turned out to pasture, Terrier knows too much, and he is still useful to the organization. He escapes to the countryside where he meets Claire, and the two soon fall in love. Back in Paris to confront his employers, Terrier learns that they've stolen all his money from the bank. They give him an ultimatum—do one last job for them and he gets his money and his freedom...

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19 Apr 2019, 02:56
Hotel America

Hotel America ( 1981 )

Helene, a pill-addicted anesthesiologist, is mourning the death of her boyfriend when, through a car accident she causes, she chances to meet the lethargic Gilles, a young man who lives for free at his mother's hotel. Gilles pursues Helene romantically, and she eventually softens up. Gilles, however, is also devoted to Bernard, a petty crook who revels in mugging gay men. All three struggle with relationships that seem to be going nowhere.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:54
Le choix des armes

Le choix des armes ( 1981 )

Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey

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19 Apr 2019, 02:53