
Mourir d'aimer

Mourir d'aimer ( 1971 )

A love story between a teacher, Daniele, 32 years and one of his students Gerard, 17 during the heated atmosphere of May 68. Daniele is a fiery young woman, very involved politically. Gerard's parents accuse Danièle of statutory rape and complain. Danièle is trapped and the drama begins...

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19 Apr 2019, 02:32
Le glaive et la balance

Le glaive et la balance ( 1963 )

Three young men are suspected of kidnapping and murdering a little boy. Most likely, two of them are really involved, but one is not. All of their pasts are questionable, riddled with violence and controversy. Neither the police nor the court can decide how to solve that puzzle.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:20
Le Beau Serge

Le Beau Serge ( 1958 )

François returns to his village after a long absence. He finds his friend Serge who has married Yvonne, and has developed an alcohol problem after the death of their stillborn child. Serge has become an angry, bitter figure not unlike the roles of James Dean, refusing to face reality and adulthood and François must help him.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:13