
588 Rue Paradis

588 Rue Paradis ( 1992 )

This family drama is the sequel to director Henri Verneuil's autobiographical film, Mayrig. It takes place some forty years after the end of the previous film. In the earlier film, a young man has moved with his family to Marseilles from Armenia and is adapting to his new country to the best of his ability. This tends to put him in conflict with his traditional Armenian family. Nonetheless, they are all hardworking and loving. Now, forty years later, the lead character has changed his name

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19 Apr 2019, 03:26
Les Frères Pétard

Les Frères Pétard ( 1986 )

After he is dismissed from his umpteenth job, Momo is kicked out of the family home by his fed-up father. He immediately joins his buddy Manu, who is also penniless having just lost his job at a cafeteria. The two decide to ask shady nightclub owner Sammy for a job, and he promptly hires them to transport back two statuettes from Amsterdam. Momo and Manu soon find out that these art objects are stuffed with drugs, but still manage to carry out their mission. They receive one kilo of grass in

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19 Apr 2019, 03:07

Hold-up ( 1985 )

Dressed as a clown, the clever rascal Grimm holds up the most secure bank of Montreal and takes 30 hostages. While confusing and ridiculing the police with his strange behavior, he calmly manages to rid the bank of a fortune. But then an unsatisfied companion arouses trouble...

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19 Apr 2019, 03:04
Papy fait de la résistance

Papy fait de la résistance ( 1983 )

It is 1943 in Paris. Like so many others, the Bourbelle family's home has been taken over by the Germans and they now live in their cellar. Little do they know that the son, Guy-Hubert Bourdelle, is far from being the cowardly hairdresser he pretends. He is in truth the Germans’ most feared opponent: le super-résistant!

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19 Apr 2019, 02:59
Edith et Marcel

Edith et Marcel ( 1982 )

This tragic musical drama chronicles the star-crossed love between beloved French singer Edith Piaf and World Middleweight boxing champion Marcel Cerdan who died in a plane crash. The tumultuous affair is paralleled by the love affair of a French POW and his young pen pal who get engaged after writing to each other for four years and having never met. Their romances are framed by the sad, torchy songs of Piaf.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:58
À nous deux

À nous deux ( 1979 )

Françoise has gone into business seducing men whose wives want to divorce them, and who need incriminating evidence against them. In addition, she has a little blackmail operation going on on the side with politicians who can't afford a scandal. She got started on this business after she was raped, and hasn't looked back since. Now the police are on her trail, and she avails herself of the services of a couple who make a profession of hiding wanted criminals. At the hideout, she meets

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19 Apr 2019, 02:51