
The Good Father

The Good Father ( 1985 )

Bill is a man who's very bitter about his divorce and losing custody of his son. So, when one of his friends is being sued for divorce by his wife so that she can enter a lesbian relationship, Bill decides to help his friend gain custody of his any way that they can devise, including using a sleazeball lawyer. But while Bill feels that feminism has robbed him of his family, he begins to be appalled at what he and Roger have done.

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31 Jan 2023, 07:10
Mother's Boys

Mother's Boys ( 1994 )

Sexy but unstable wife and mother Jude walked out on her family three years ago. Now, just as suddenly, she is back. But her husband, Robert, has fallen in love with Callie, an assistant principal at his sons' school. He asks Jude for a divorce. She responds by trying to turn her three boys against Callie, then by slashing herself and blaming her rival and finally by drawing her 12-year-old, Kes, into a murderous plot.

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11 Dec 2022, 11:33
Love is Love is Love

Love is Love is Love ( 2020 )

Three sto­ries that explore love, com­mit­ment, and loy­al­ty between cou­ples and friends. "Two for Din­ner" where a mar­ried cou­ple tem­porar­i­ly liv­ing in two dif­fer­ent loca­tions are more sep­a­rat­ed than they think. "Sail­ing Les­son" about a long-mar­ried cou­ple who spend a day on a sail­boat rekin­dling their romance… and unex­pect­ed events arise. "Late Lunch" where a young woman who recent­ly lost her moth­er gath­ers togeth­er a group of her

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15 Dec 2021, 08:26

Val ( 2021 )

For over 40 years Val Kilmer, one of Hollywood’s most mercurial and/or misunderstood actors has been documenting his own life and craft through film and video. He has amassed thousands of hours of footage, from 16mm home movies made with his brothers, to time spent in iconic roles for blockbuster movies like Top Gun, The Doors, Tombstone, and Batman Forever. This raw, wildly original and unflinching documentary reveals a life lived to extremes and a heart-filled, sometimes hilarious look at

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12 Aug 2021, 07:31
Paul, Apostle of Christ

Paul, Apostle of Christ ( 2018 )

Risking his life, Luke ventures to Rome to visit Paul -- the apostle who's bound in chains and held captive in Nero's darkest and bleakest prison cell. Haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds, Paul wonders if he's been forgotten as he awaits his grisly execution. Before Paul's death, Luke resolves to write another book that details the birth of what will come to be known as the church.

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19 Apr 2019, 10:52

Muse ( 2017 )

Samuel Salomon, a literature professor, has been off work for almost a year after the tragic death of his girlfriend. Samuel has been suffering from a recurring nightmare in which a woman is brutally murdered in a strange ritual. Suddenly, the same woman who appears every night in his dreams is found dead in exactly the same circumstances. Samuel sneaks into the crime scene and there he meets Rachel who has also dreamed about the murder. Together, they will do whatever they can to discover the

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19 Apr 2019, 10:00