
La Crise

La Crise ( 1992 )

Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:27
Une époque formidable

Une époque formidable ( 1991 )

Michel Berthier, cadre supérieur d'une entreprise de matelasserie, vient d'être licencié. Comme il n'ose pas avouer la vérité à Juliette, sa compagne, il s'endette pour maintenir le niveau de la famille qu'il couvre de cadeaux. Mais il ne peut bientôt plus mentir et il décide alors de quitter la maison. Après avoir perdu son argent, sa voiture et ses chaussures, il rencontre Toubib, Mimosa et Crayon, trois «Sans Domicile Fixe» qui font leur toilette dans les lavabos de

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19 Apr 2019, 03:26
Ne réveillez pas un flic qui dort

Ne réveillez pas un flic qui dort ( 1988 )

This movie tells the story of a group of right-wing cops have begun carrying out vigilante justice on drug dealers and other crime figures who might otherwise avoid punishment for their misdeeds. Police inspector Grindel (Delon) understands the feelings which motivate these deeds, but does not approve. However, he is not highly motivated to put an end to the group's activities until it begins to appear that they are now attacking fellow cops for reasons which are unclear.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:14

P.R.O.F.S ( 1985 )

A clique of four young teachers at a high school looks critically at their colleagues. To avoid falling in the same routine, they bring new ideas into the school lessons and play little games and pranks in their spare time -- sometimes get even more childish than their pupils. When they get opposition from the other teachers, they play tricks to get rid of them.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:05