
Conan le barbare

Conan le barbare ( 1982 )

A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon

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19 Apr 2019, 02:53
Le Phare du bout du monde

Le Phare du bout du monde ( 1971 )

Pirates take over a lighthouse on a rocky island. They then execute a devious plan to cause ships to run aground, pillaging their wrecks. A lone member of the lighthouse crew survives, and he deperately fights their plot. A shipwrecked maiden that avoids the pirates slaughter soon complicates the situation.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:34
Ça va chauffer, Sartana revient!

Ça va chauffer, Sartana revient! ( 1971 )

Sando Kid is a medic on the battlefields of the civil war and a pacifist. One day he witnesses Yankee captain Grayton ruthlessly killing wounded and unarmed soldiers. He manages to survive thanks to the help of a friend and learns how to use a gun. From now on, he will sign up to the rangers and hunt down bandits. He soon crosses paths with Grayton again, who now has become a ruthless business man, trying to rob farmers of their land. Together with his henchmen, Grayton might be more than Sando

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19 Apr 2019, 02:33