
Le Viager

Le Viager ( 1972 )

In 1930, Louis Martinet, a peaceful sexagenarian, no longer has a long life to live according to the words of his doctor, Leon Galipeau, who sees to take advantage of the very interesting situation of the "future deceased". This one indeed has a small house in Saint-Tropez. Galipeau sniffs the windfall. Following his advice, Martinet agrees to give it in life to the brother of the doctor, Emile, and then rushes back to a health of iron. Worse, he even survives the war. Galipeau,

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19 Apr 2019, 02:37
Un drôle de caïd

Un drôle de caïd ( 1964 )

Marcel and Francis are busy people. Marcel owns a café and spend all his nights running from meetings to meetings with members from the high society... at least, that's what he say to his barman! Francis leaves his home, loving wife and adorable daughter, frequently to attend meetings and demonstration with customers. His boss trusts him so much that his agenda is always full... at least, that's what he say to his wife! In fact, Marcel and Francis' incomes come from their night

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19 Apr 2019, 02:23
Bébert et l'omnibus

Bébert et l'omnibus ( 1963 )

The Martin family is shopping in a department store. Tiennot is responsible for looking after his little brother, Bébert, but he prefers to chase girls. On the train home, Tiennot leaves Bébert alone. On arrival, Bébert has disappeared. The Martin family sets out to find him.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:20