
Get Big

Get Big ( 2017 )

Inspired by somewhat true events, "Get Big" follows the misadventures of two friends as they reconnect to attend a high school classmate's wedding. Alec is the charming troublemaker, while Nate provides the neurotic and awkward foil to his friend's unpredictable antics. "Get Big" takes place over the course of a crazy 24-hour period during which Alec and Nate cross paths with oddball cops, curmudgeonly neighbors, drug dealers, psychopaths, escorts and pretty girls,

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11 Apr 2023, 10:47
Ouija House

Ouija House ( 2018 )

A graduate student, who is trying to finish the last of her research on a book project that she hopes will help her down-on-her-luck mother, brings friends to a house with a dark past, where they soon unwittingly summon an evil entity who makes the house part of its game…

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15 Feb 2023, 03:32
Two Cents From a Pariah

Two Cents From a Pariah ( 2021 )

All is perfect for Donovan Strathmore, lifecoach to the rich and famous, until a mysterious figure emerges, threatening to reveal a hidden past. As he searches for clues, his life begins to unravel, culminating in an onslaught of public humiliation. Donovan is forced to reconcile secrets long buried, and confront the one person he's spent his life running from.

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08 Jul 2021, 08:07
Double Mommy

Double Mommy ( 2016 )

After taking a break for the summer before their senior year, Ryan and Jess rekindle their relationship, and find out that Jess is pregnant with twins. When Ryan's mother demands a paternity test, they find out that Ryan is only the father of one baby... The other father is Ryan's best friend Bryce, who Ryan discovers date raped Jess at a party over the summer. With college recruiters and an overbearing father looming over Bryce's head, he will stop at nothing to make sure that

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19 Apr 2019, 10:41