

Zarafa ( 2012 )

Inspired by the true story of the first giraffe to visit France, Zarafa is a sumptuously animated and stirring adventure, and a throwback to a bygone era of hand-drawn animation and epic storytelling set among sweeping CinemaScope vistas of parched desert, wind-swept mountains and open skies. Under the cover of darkness a small boy, Maki, loosens the shackles that bind him and escapes into the desert night. Pursued by slavers across the moon-lit savannah, Maki meets Zarafa, a baby giraffe – and

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19 Apr 2019, 07:56
Monsieur Lazhar

Monsieur Lazhar ( 2011 )

During a harsh Montréal winter, an elementary-school class is left reeling after its teacher commits suicide. Bachir Lazhar, a charismatic Algerian immigrant, steps in as the substitute teacher for the classroom of traumatized children. All the while, he must keep his personal life tucked away: the fact that he is seeking political refuge in Québec – and that he, like the children, has suffered an appalling loss.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:51
What the Day Owes the Night

What the Day Owes the Night ( 2012 )

Algeria, the 1930s. Younes is nine years old when he is put in his uncle's care in Oran. Rebaptized Jonas, he grows up among the Rio Salado youths, with whom he becomes friends. Emilie is one of the gang; everyone is in love with her. A great love story develops between Jonas and Emilie, which is soon unsettled by the conflicts troubling the country.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:45
Les Barons

Les Barons ( 2009 )

Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:03