
National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar

National Theatre Live: Julius Caesar ( 2018 )

Caesar returns in triumph to Rome and the people pour out of their homes to celebrate. Alarmed by the autocrat’s popularity, the educated élite conspire to bring him down. After his assassination, civil war erupts on the streets of the capital. Nicholas Hytner’s production will thrust the audience into the street party that greets Caesar’s return, the congress that witnesses his murder, the rally that assembles for his funeral and the chaos that explodes in its wake.

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31 Jan 2023, 10:45
Tab Hunter Confidential

Tab Hunter Confidential ( 2015 )

In the 1950s, Tab Hunter was number one at the box office and number one on the music charts and was Hollywood’s most sought-after young star. Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds and Sophia Loren were just a few of the actresses he was romantically linked to. He was America’s Boy Next Door and nothing, it seemed, could damage Tab Hunter’s career. Nothing, that is, except for the fact that Tab Hunter was secretly gay. Now, the secret is out.

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31 Jan 2023, 10:10

Unity ( 2015 )

Despite the advent of science, literature, technology, philosophy, religion, and so on -- none of these has assuaged humankind from killing one another, the animals, and nature. UNITY is a film about why we can't seem to get along, even after thousands and thousands of years.

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27 Jan 2023, 11:54
Mockingbird Lane

Mockingbird Lane ( 2012 )

Settling into their new home—the rambling Victorian mansion at 1313 Mockingbird Lane— the Munster are quickly onto the mission at hand: to gently ease sweet little Eddie into the reality of his werewolf adolescence. The loving, supportive, run-of-the-mill family includes his mom Lily, the daughter of Dracula, his dad Herman, who brings new meaning to "Frankenstein," and Grandpa! Of course, there's creepy cousin Marilyn, who's really the odd one because she's so

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14 Dec 2022, 08:05
The African Desperate

The African Desperate ( 2022 )

It’s MFA grad Palace Bryant’s final 24 hours in art school, and she is not going to the graduation party! She needs to get back home to Chicago from Upstate New York, but that means surviving a hazy, hilarious, and hallucinatory odyssey, stumbling from academic critiques to backseat hookups.

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18 Oct 2022, 02:53