
Le Petit Criminel

Le Petit Criminel ( 1990 )

Marc, a troubled teenager, is bored in his native, depressing city of Sete. One day, a simple phone call makes him aware of the existence of Stephanie, a sister he has never met. Armed with a pistol his mother found, he goes out to find her. He steals money from a perfume shop, and is then stopped by a policeman who wants to search him. In the car, Marc threatens the policeman with his gun, demanding that he helps him find his sister...

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19 Apr 2019, 03:21
Itinéraire d'un enfant gâté

Itinéraire d'un enfant gâté ( 1988 )

A foundling, raised in the circus, Sam Lion becomes a businessman after a trapeze accident. However, when he reaches fifty and becomes tired of his responsibilities and of his son Jean-Philippe, he decides to disappear at sea. However, he runs into Albert Duvivier, one of his former employees. He comes to realise that he has ignored the important things in his life.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:13

Police ( 1985 )

Mangin, a police inspector in Paris, leans hard on informants to get evidence on three Tunisian brothers who traffic in drugs. He arrests one, Simon, and his girl-friend Noria. Simon's brothers go to their lawyer. He springs Noria, who promptly steals 2 million francs that belong to the Tunisians. They suspect her of the theft; her life as well as the lawyer's is in danger. Meanwhile, Noria is playing with both the lawyer and Mangin's affections. Mangin is mercurial anyway:

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19 Apr 2019, 03:05
Tchao Pantin

Tchao Pantin ( 1983 )

In Paris XVIIIth district, Lambert works the night shift at a gas station, rarely speaking, living alone, drinking. One day comes a half-jewish half-arab small-time crook in dire straits, pushing a Moped. Named Bensoussan, he takes refuge at the station pretending he needs a spark plug. The two men become friends.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:00
Le choix des armes

Le choix des armes ( 1981 )

Two men break out of prison; a rival gang ambushes them. One is mortally wounded and tells the other, Mickey, to take him to the estate of a retired robber, Noel, who lives in comfort with his lovely and beloved wife, Nicole. The man dies, and Mickey, a menacing hothead, demands money of Noel. A few days later, Mickey returns to the estate, shoots up a dinner party and threatens them again. Noel sends Nicole to an hotel and goes to his old gang to help him hunt down the dangerous Mickey. Mickey

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19 Apr 2019, 02:53