
Camp Pikachu

Camp Pikachu ( 2001 )

Riding home atop a train, the Pichu Brothers suddenly find themselves knocked off and flying through the air! They hit a Wynaut on their way down, bringing all three of them to the forest where Pikachu, Totodile, and some more friends are playing in a waterfall and building a campfire. When it starts to rain, the group takes shelter in a water mill—but the water mill starts moving! The next morning, the whole group decides to work together to make sure the Pichu Brothers make their train. Will

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06 Sep 2023, 08:45
Pikachu's PikaBoo

Pikachu's PikaBoo ( 2000 )

At a giant beachside mansion, Pikachu and some of its buddies decide to play a game of hide-and-seek. Pikachu is “it,” and it goes off in search of its friends. Meanwhile, Larvitar, sick of being all by itself, kicks a rock in anger. The rock hurtles through the air—and hits a lawnmower, turning it on and sending it tearing off after Pikachu and its friends! The group draws the lawnmower into a maze and even gets it into the water, but the lawnmower just keeps on chasing. The Pokémon build a

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06 Sep 2023, 07:32
Heart and Yummie

Heart and Yummie ( 2009 )

Heart is a tyrannosaurus who is found and raised bv a herbivore mother. After learning his true nature as a meat eater, he runs away from home and finds a baby ankylosaurus egg that hatches and thinks Heart is his father. After accidentally naming the baby Yummie - thinking he looked tasty - their love for one another tests the bounds of nature vs. nurture.

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06 Sep 2023, 04:52
Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!

Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You! ( 2017 )

Ash Ketchum wakes up late one morning after having broken his alarm clock in his sleep. He eventually makes it to Professor Oak's lab, but is told that the three starter List of Pokémon (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander) have already been taken by Trainers who were on time. However, Oak reveals that he has one more Pokémon, an Electric-type named Pikachu. Despite its volatile and feisty personality, as well as its refusal to get inside a Poké Ball, Ash happily takes Pikachu for his

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10 Jan 2020, 04:44