
Kabuli Kid

Kabuli Kid ( 2009 )

Kabul - a city struggling to recover from 25 years of warfare. Taxi driver Khaled picks up a woman and baby. Her face is hidden behind a blue burka. They settle on a price, she pays him and they drive off. The taxi arrives at its destination. The woman gets out and a new passenger climbs in... to find the baby still in the backseat. Khaled leaps out after the woman but she's vanished. He's left holding the baby - a 6-month-old boy. Who is the mother? How can he find her? He asks

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19 Apr 2019, 06:27
Les Herbes folles

Les Herbes folles ( 2009 )

Marguerite loses her wallet, and it's found by Georges, a seemingly happy head of family. As he looks through the wallet and examines the photos of Marguerite, he finds he's fascinated with her and her life, and soon his curiosity about her becomes an obsession.

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19 Apr 2019, 06:19
Ce soir je dors chez toi

Ce soir je dors chez toi ( 2007 )

Alex and Laetitia appear to make the perfect couple. But, as much as he loves his gorgeous fun-loving sweetheart, Alex isn’t yet ready for her to move in with him. Laetitia has other ideas. She has already packed her bags and lets Alex know that she will be taking up residence in his apartment within a few hours. For Alex, this is his worst nightmare come true. In desperation, he persuades his best friend to simulate an attack of depression so that he can move in with him...

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19 Apr 2019, 06:04