
À mon tour

À mon tour ( 2022 )

Chateauneuf-sur-Valone, Mayor Félix de Ponte is preparing for his re-election, hoping to beat the far-right candidate Jean-Luc Molment Martinez. But when a video revealing his extra-marital affair is broadcast on the networks, Félix's life will be turned upside down. Devastated, betrayed and humiliated, his wife, Rose, decides to react and runs against him in the elections.

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07 Jan 2022, 09:11
Bad Seeds

Bad Seeds ( 2018 )

Wael, a former street child, makes a living from small scams with his adoptive mother and partner-in-crime Monique. When this unconventional duo swindles the wrong guy, Victor, an old acquaintance of Monique now in charge of a support organization for troubled teens, they have no choice but to become his interim secretary and educator in order to redeem themselves.

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19 Apr 2019, 10:42