
Pièce Montée

Pièce Montée ( 2010 )

The wedding of Vincent and Berenger does not begin well. For starters, the fabulous cake for the reception falls apart as the butler of the château, and one of the caterers is taking down a flight of stairs falls. The cream puffs are carefully picked up from the floor an arranged as though nothing happened. The bride comes from a bourgeois family, presided by Maddie, an old lady with a secret in her heart. The wedding, to be performed at the local church, by father Victor, proves to be not the

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19 Apr 2019, 06:48
Une époque formidable

Une époque formidable ( 1991 )

Michel Berthier, cadre supérieur d'une entreprise de matelasserie, vient d'être licencié. Comme il n'ose pas avouer la vérité à Juliette, sa compagne, il s'endette pour maintenir le niveau de la famille qu'il couvre de cadeaux. Mais il ne peut bientôt plus mentir et il décide alors de quitter la maison. Après avoir perdu son argent, sa voiture et ses chaussures, il rencontre Toubib, Mimosa et Crayon, trois «Sans Domicile Fixe» qui font leur toilette dans les lavabos de

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19 Apr 2019, 03:26
Mon père, ce héros

Mon père, ce héros ( 1991 )

Veronique, living with her divorced mother, is going on holiday to Mauritius with her father. To impress a local boy, Benjamin, she manages to complicate the situation by making up stories about her father. She presents him as her lover, a mercenary and even a secret agent which gets her into trouble and then her father has to start playing along...

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19 Apr 2019, 03:25
Un amour de Swann

Un amour de Swann ( 1984 )

In early 20th century, Charles Swann, a young and wealthy dandy, spends most of his time hanging out with the old nobility, notably the Duke and Duchess of Guermantes. He is madly in love with a pretty demi-mondaine, Odette de Crécy. Idle, Swann surrenders complacently to the torments of jealousy. After hours of suffering, he manages to spend a night with Odette. In the morning, he believes that ultimately, this one is "not his type". However, we find him, many years later, alongside

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19 Apr 2019, 03:03
Edith et Marcel

Edith et Marcel ( 1982 )

This tragic musical drama chronicles the star-crossed love between beloved French singer Edith Piaf and World Middleweight boxing champion Marcel Cerdan who died in a plane crash. The tumultuous affair is paralleled by the love affair of a French POW and his young pen pal who get engaged after writing to each other for four years and having never met. Their romances are framed by the sad, torchy songs of Piaf.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:58
Les Sous-doués en vacances

Les Sous-doués en vacances ( 1982 )

A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.

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19 Apr 2019, 02:55