
Dynamite Jack

Dynamite Jack ( 1961 )

Antoine Espérandieu, a French tenderfoot, lands in Windows Canyon, Arizona, a remote place under the thumb of dangerous outlaw Dynamite Jack, only to discover the friend he was to meet there has been murdered. Worse, it is not long before Antoine realizes he is Jack's perfect lookalike. All the same, he decides to settle down in the small town, where he becomes the local tax collector. One day, he finds himself face to face with the bandit...

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19 Apr 2019, 02:18
Les râleurs font leur beurre

Les râleurs font leur beurre ( 1960 )

The old Valmorin died 200 years ago. The notary tells the family about the inheritance: the one who is terminally ill will receive the money. They all try their luck with getting ill before the other so one family member pretends to be deaf, another pretends to have a terrible back ache and so on...

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19 Apr 2019, 02:15