
Les Chèvres!

Les Chèvres! ( 2024 )

France, 1640. Lawyer Maitre Pompignac has never won a case: all his clients are dead, either drawn and quartered, impaled or scalded... One day, a young woman comes to him and asks him to defend an inno- cent girl: 11-year-old Roxane, wrongly accused of killing a Marshal of France. Pompignac accepts, with- out realising that Roxane is in fact not an 11-year-old child, but a goat...

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20 Jun 2024, 12:12

Marius ( 2013 )

"Marius" takes place in Marseilles' Old Port, at the La Marine Bar, owned by César and his son Marius. Marius' biggest dream is to embark on one of the boats passing by his dad's bar and to set off to a faraway land. Fanny, a young and pretty seafood peddler, has secretly been in love with Marius since her childhood; Marius, never admitting it, has always loved Fanny. One day, a sailor drops by La Marine and offers him a job on an exploratory ship. Trying to hold him

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19 Apr 2019, 07:41

Fanny ( 2013 )

"Fanny" is the second part of the "Marseille trilogy", made by Marcel Pagnol with the generic name of "Marius, Fanny and César". Fanny falls in love and is abandoned by Marius. Now she discovers she is pregnant. Her mother and Marius's father, César, persuade her to accept the romantic advances of a much older man. To save face, Fanny accepts to marry Honoré Panisse, a rich merchant of the Vieux Port, 30 years her senior who will recognize her son.

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19 Apr 2019, 07:41
La Fille du puisatier

La Fille du puisatier ( 2011 )

It's the beginning of the WWII. South of France. Patricia, 18, is the oldest daughter of a well-digger, Pascal, who considers her a princess because of her moral qualities. She's kind, devoted. One day, she briefly meets a young man, Jacques, the son of Mazel, owner of the shop where her father buy his material. He's handsome and teasing. Her father's friend, Felipe, would love to marry her, and he invites her to an aviation show. She accepts his invitation only because she

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19 Apr 2019, 06:56
Au secours, j'ai 30 ans !

Au secours, j'ai 30 ans ! ( 2004 )

Ils sont amis depuis l'enfance et se sont juré de toujours s'entraider. Ensemble, Kathy, Tara et Yann ont quitté leur île bretonne pour s'installer à Paris. Alors que Yann est heureux avec Alfredo, son compagnon, les deux filles connaissent des vies sentimentales plutôt désastreuses. Tara, aussi rieuse que peu sûre d'elle, se fait esclavagiser par Thomas, petit prof égocentrique et mesquin...

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19 Apr 2019, 05:00
Grosse fatigue

Grosse fatigue ( 1994 )

Stressed and overworked, famous French movie star Michel Blanc is beginning to wear down, physically and mentally, from the pressure and demands of fame. Already in a fragile state of mind, strange events start to transpire all around him, and he gradually loses his grip. Taking the advice of a psychiatrist, Blanc retreats to the countryside with his friend Carole Bouquet, but Blanc still has not managed to escape all of his problems.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:36
My Best Pals

My Best Pals ( 1989 )

They are the best friends of the world. Five friends who shared everything: may 68, hippies years, the rock and their love for Bernadette. This Bernadette has left them to become a rock-star, and is back 15 years later for a weekend. Jean-Marie Poire describes with this movie the portrait of a generation with lots of humor served by excelent actors.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:17
Astérix et le coup du menhir

Astérix et le coup du menhir ( 1989 )

Gaullish custom requires that a would-be chief must challenge and defeat another to become the leader of two tribes. Vitalstatistix is not perturbed because of Getafix's magic potion. Getafix, however has an accident and forgets how to make it. Then Vitalstatistix is suddenly challenged.

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19 Apr 2019, 03:15