
Les Copains

Les Copains ( 1965 )

Seven old pals live inseparable lives, dividing their time between hilarious pranks and memorable drinking bouts. Bénin is the mastermind, Broudier the enforcer and Lesueur the prankster. One evening, a grandiose plan was hatched: to wreak havoc in two peaceful sub-prefectures: Ambert and Issoire. Broudier begins: in the middle of the night, disguised as a minister, he wakes up a barracks in Ambert and sets in motion a thunderous maneuver. The next day, disguised as a Dominican, Bénin climbed

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19 Apr 2019, 02:22
Comme un Cheveu sur la Soupe

Comme un Cheveu sur la Soupe ( 1957 )

Pierre Cousin, a depressive compositor, wants to die. After five vain attempts at committing suicide, he decides to hire professional hit men to do the job on him. But as he's waiting for death, he accidentally saves a suicidal young woman's life... and falls in love. Having suddenly found a reason to live, he now fears the killers he himself hired. Is there still time to call off his contract?

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19 Apr 2019, 02:12