
La Sirène

La Sirène ( 2023 )

November 1980. Southern Iran. We are at the beginning of the Iran-Iraq war. Abadan, the capital of the Iranian petrol industry resists the repeated assaults of the Iraqi army, but is soon under full siege. Omid, a 14-year-old boy, has stayed back in the city, with his grandfather, waiting for his elder brother to come back from the frontline. Along with Omid, we discover several other uncommon characters, each one having stayed for a personal reason. Each one resisting in his own way. But as

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23 Oct 2023, 05:23
Les Blagues de Toto 2 - Classe verte

Les Blagues de Toto 2 - Classe verte ( 2023 )

This field trip seemed to be a good idea... Five days away from school, away from parents, in an organic farm, in order to enjoy the fresh air and initiate to ecology... But, in fact, everyone was a bit worried. Toto's parents, leaving their son for the first time ; Toto's teacher, at the idea of watching after him 24 hours a day ; and Toto himself, without the possibility of driving his parents nuts, without the neighbour's cat to torment, far away from the schoolyard... he was

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11 Aug 2023, 09:31

Wolfkin ( 2022 )

Single mother Elaine is disturbed by her son Martin's aggressive behaviour, she visits his late father's estranged family in small-town Luxembourg, which hides a much darker nature. When she realizes that Martin could become like them, Elaine is forced into a desperate fight for her son's future.

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09 Aug 2023, 10:37
A Real Vermeer

A Real Vermeer ( 2016 )

Young and talented Han van Meegeren is a rebel in the early 1920's Amsterdam art-scene. Because he paints in the style of his idols Rembrandt and Vermeer, critics find his work old-fashioned and they call him a copycat. Just to prove a point, he produces a fake Vermeer and tries to pass it off as a real one. It works. Instead of revealing the truth and thereby embarrassing the art world, he continues to make money off of his many forgeries. Soon he is caught in a web of lies and deceit,

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26 Apr 2023, 02:15
Toy Gun

Toy Gun ( 2017 )

Ruggero, a meek young man, impulsively robs a bank to prove to his ex-wife that he is courageous and masculine. A police investigation engulfs everyone except our unassuming hero who is completely ignored. Through a set of hilarious coincidences, he gets away with the robbery, while corrupt bank officials take the fall for what looks like an inside job.

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11 Apr 2023, 05:28
Los reyes del mundo

Los reyes del mundo ( 2022 )

Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny and Nano. Five boys who live on the streets of Medellín. Five kings with no kingdom, no law, no family, set out on a journey in search of the promised land. A subversive tale told through a wild and endearing clan, somewhere between reality and delirium. A journey to nowhere, where everything happens.

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04 Apr 2023, 12:13