
Night Raiders

Night Raiders ( 2021 )

The year is 2043. A military occupation controls disenfranchised cities in post-war North America. Children are property of the State. A desperate Cree woman joins an underground band of vigilantes to infiltrate a State children’s academy and get her daughter back. Night Raiders is a female-driven dystopian drama about resilience, courage and love.

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12 Nov 2021, 09:32
Killer Sofa

Killer Sofa ( 2019 )

Francesca always attracted weirdos. When one of her stalkers is found dead, she looks for comfort from her best friend, Maxi. Meanwhile, Maxi’s grandfather, Jack, a disgraced Rabbi, comes across a reclining chair containing a Dybbuk inside. Jack and his voodoo sorceress partner try to find out where the recliner has been delivered while exploring Jack’s newfound gift for communicating with the other world. Meanwhile the reclining chair becomes enchanted by Francesca and starts committing crimes

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12 Oct 2021, 09:14
Dark Web: Descent Into Hell

Dark Web: Descent Into Hell ( 2021 )

The Dark Web is the large part of the Internet that is inaccessible to conventional search engines. Experts estimate that search engines crawl and index less than 1% of all the content that can be accessed over the Internet. A young YouTuber, "Ludovico 122", will try to reach the eighth level of the Dark Web, penetrating the deepest and unknown part of the internet while he films the experience for his audience. But he is not prepared for a horrible surprise that will change his life.

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18 Sep 2021, 07:37
Tomorrow I Quit

Tomorrow I Quit ( 2020 )

Margot is a French backpacker who always gets herself into trouble. When she finds out that her dodgy landlord has a dirty secret, she has no other choice but to skip rent and run away. On the run she crashes at her perfect sister's house, intruding on her marriage. Things get messy with the three of them under one roof as Margot faces problems on her way to becoming an adult.

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07 Aug 2021, 07:21
The 100 Candles Game

The 100 Candles Game ( 2020 )

A group of friends must confront their fears in a terrifying game. They must sit by the other players in a circle made of a hundred candles, take one of them and tell a horror story. As stories are told and candles blown out, strange events will start to happen. They will feel strange presences around them, lurking in the shadows. But they MUST NOT leave the game or else a terrible curse will fall upon them...

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01 Jun 2021, 04:14