

Futon ( 2011 )

Wrapped in the futon... Memories are coming up to the mind, the future is imagined, senses are recaptured, physical feelings as a woman are deeply ingrained...Everything melts pleasantly all together. In the futon, the body wonders seeking for these sense...

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07 Sep 2023, 01:37
Strawberry Shortcake: Play Day Surprise

Strawberry Shortcake: Play Day Surprise ( 2004 )

"Angel Cake in the Outfield": First, during a ball game, when things don't go Angel Cake's way, she decided to take her ball and go home. Thinking fast, Strawberry and Apple Dumplin teach Angel that the fun of sports... is to have fun! "Win Some, Lose Some": Peppermint Fizz is so determined to win the Nearly Once-A-Yearly Strawberryland Games, she cheats! But when Apple Dumplin' beats her in a race, Peppermint learns that it's not whether you win or lose,

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07 Sep 2023, 01:36
End of the World

End of the World ( 2001 )

Kazumi is at a punk concert and bumps into Yuko. Yuko is a girl from another dimension. Kazumi invites Yuko over to her apartment. There Yuko's robotic sidekick and stead Face comes from out of the t.v. The wall opens up and Yuko and Face enter into different dimension. Yuko seeks to kill the creator of the dimension to end the suffering of it's people. Yuko meets Kazumi, who claims not to be from Earth, at a rock concert, and they become instant friends. Yuko invites her new friend

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07 Sep 2023, 01:33
Short Animation of Shintaro Kago

Short Animation of Shintaro Kago ( 2007 )

Of late, Kago has also taken to posting his even less-known video work to his YouTube channel. In these jokey short films, many of them crudely animated, Kago's sick sense of humor reaches its full heights of absurdity. There's a playful surrealist sensibility to Kago's work, as well as a tendency to revel in the ridiculous, the crude and the disturbing. His work straddles a weird boundary between avant-garde experimentation and low-brow fart jokes — the punchline of one of these

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07 Sep 2023, 01:32

Kanamewo ( 2014 )

A young, unnamed woman, while biking home from the bank she works at, happens upon a weakened tree goddess whose native shrine is being demolished for construction work. She rescues her and brings the goddess home with her. The two form a relationship, but what will happen to the goddess as the construction progresses?

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07 Sep 2023, 01:31