
Welcome to Smelliville

Welcome to Smelliville ( 2021 )

The Oggly family arrive at the municipal rubbish dump of Smelliville and must look for a new home, but they never feel really welcome anywhere. They stink and are for most humans just a tad too oggly. When Firebottom, the family dragon, crash-lands on the run-down rubbish tip of the small town of Smelliville, the Ogglies at once feel at home. And it's here they want to stay.

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31 Jan 2023, 07:31
Two by Two: Overboard!

Two by Two: Overboard! ( 2020 )

The Honeymoon is over… How we enjoyed the party when our amphibious Nestrian chums discovered their incredible newfound agility underwater! But, when we revisit our curious, loveable pals, the entire animal kingdom’s survival is once again at stake. Amid the prospect of no new land on which to live and prosper, not to mention the ever-diminishing food resources, the mood on board the Ark is laden with mounting tensions, which regularly spill over into ark rage. Fragile peace is frequently

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23 Aug 2022, 02:14
Yakari: A Spectacular Journey

Yakari: A Spectacular Journey ( 2020 )

With his tribe's move to follow the migrating bison, Yakari, the little Sioux boy, sets out on his own to follow the trail of Little Thunder, a wild mustang said to be untameable. Travelling far from home and deep into the territory of the terrible cougarskins, Yakari and Little Thunder undertake a great adventure and find their way back home.

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14 Dec 2020, 01:17
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